Flamenco's dynamic energy attracts dancers globally! How well do you know the history behind it?
Quiz- 7 questions about the history of Flamenco!

Where did Flamenco originate?

Where did Flamenco originate?

What culture DIDN'T influence Flamenco?

What culture DIDN'T influence Flamenco?

Flamenco became recognized as a structured dance form in the...

Flamenco became recognized as a structured dance form in the...

Who was the founder of the modern style of flamenco solo guitar?

Who was the founder of the modern style of flamenco solo guitar?

What is the name of the shawl that Flamenco dancers use to resemble movements of a Toreador?

What is the name of the shawl that Flamenco dancers use to resemble movements of a Toreador?

According to Blas Infante, the word Flamenco is derived from...

According to Blas Infante, the word Flamenco is derived from...

Intricate footwork executed by Flamenco dancers is called...

Intricate footwork executed by Flamenco dancers is called...

Flamenco's dynamic energy attracts dancers globally! How well do you know the history behind it?

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